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Earn Your Location & Time Freedom

Helping 30-Year-Olds & Above

Build Passive Income Online Business

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Hi, I Am Waqas Hassn

I help top professionals in their 30s & 40s build an online business as a second source of income

Why I Started

Digital Nomad Academy?

Deep down we all know we are meant to play in the big leagues.

We have an explorer’s spirit, but often times too afraid to build a life we always dreamed of.

Or even worse, we do not even know how to start.

Since starting my work-life in 2014, I was feeling all these frustrations.

I questioned living with these 4 constraints:

Authority constraint

Why do I have to live my life according to the yearly deliverables of my boss?

Time constraint

Why do I have to divide my days as 9-5 work, and 5-midnight escape from work?

Location constraint

Why should I live in one city the entire year, waiting for those 3 weeks of annual leave so I can post well-crafted fake-happiness pictures on Instagram?

Financial constraint

Why do I have a fixed yearly salary? How can I build businesses that will let me break all the constraints above while at the same time earning without any upper limit?

The recognition of these constraints led to a long self-transformational journey of revamping every aspect of my life.

On 1st March 2017, I handed in the resignation letter for my full-time job. And I was shit scared… for almost 2 months after. But then, I slowly started working on building my online brands.

Sure the results didn’t start showing until a year later, but I was having tremendous FUN! There were no meditating-in-the-caves or sleepless-nights-staring-at-the-ceiling periods.

I began to carve my own life, and I felt nothing but satisfaction, joy, and happiness.


Since then I’ve travelled to 34 countries, lived a laptop lifestyle across exotic locations, given hundreds of in-person trainings, impacted millions through my content, and saw my happiness, fitness, relationships, and wealth levels increase 10X.

And now, through my coaching program Laptop Lifestyle, I’m on a mission to help other 30-year-old and above top professionals break societal constraints, become digital nomads, and craft lives worthy of a Netflix series!


Cutting edge content for Laptop Lifestyle seekers

In-depth articles, how-tos, uncommon guides, and much more, all designed to help you make your Laptop Lifestyle

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